The Landings of Oak Island assisted living facility celebrated a monumental milestone recently with the official one-year anniversary being held last week. The reception welcomed family and friends of the residents. It was also a great opportunity for residents to show their appreciation to the facility’s staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure their safety while enduring a worldwide pandemic. Guests and residents enjoyed a tasty smattering of hors d’oeuvres and finger foods during the light reception with regaling one another with the merits of a rich life that can only be accentuated with quality companions and a zestful appetite for enriching experiences. Residents and guests mingled with one another while reminiscing about the past year while looking forward to yet another year on the illustrious island residential facility.
Reaping the Rewards of Hard Work and Experience

In many ways, last week’s celebration was the culmination of a creative vision that brought a reinvigorated approach to retirement and leisure. Our Golden Years were never intended to be couped up in a dull and listless nursing home. A lifetime of hard work and dedication should be indulged with exuberance and gusto while soaking in the warm coastal sunshine that recharges our faculties, so we can greet each day with a renewed passion and purpose. While last week’s one-year anniversary party was the recognition of keen planning and insight in execution, the event also celebrated the innumerous achievements of the island’s residents, who truly are our “Greatest Generation.” Although we will never be able to fully express our gratitude to their sacrifices for future progeny, last week’s one-year anniversary event was just a small way to express a token of appreciation to cherished residents.
Life is Better on the Island

How do you plan to spend retirement? Most people simply languish and resign to a sedentary lifestyle, letting the best years of their lives pass them by. And make no mistake about it. Our twilight years can be some of the most exquisite years of our lives. Active adults crave more than the mundane while not sacrificing their freedoms. Pine Forest Plantation looks to bridge that gap with its integrated health continuum of care, providing access to personal and concierge services, and medical care as needed, while allowing for a full active lifestyle, all within a carefully preserved natural setting ideal for walking, biking, and more.